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Many of my clients are struggling with a hybrid work strategy.  How many days should they let employees work from home?  Will they be productive?

The truth is you have to join the party, or you will be a very lonely business!

Gaining traction these days is the four-day workweek.  It requires some serious consideration.

To help you in your decision making, below are some pros and cons for the four-day workweek.

The Pros

  • Almost everybody wants it. A survey of 1,000 U.S. workers found that 92% support a four-day workweek, with nearly 80% saying it would improve their mental health.
  • Burnout might become obsolete. Work-life balance makes employees more loyal and effective. Why run them ragged in five days if they can get as much (or more) done in four?
  • A breather will help you, too. Don’t just think of your employees — think of yourself! A clearer mind improves your decisions.

The Cons

  • Longer days. A four-day workweek can mean reduced overall hours, but it can also mean 10-hour shifts that equal the traditional 40 hours. This structure may be difficult to balance, especially for employees with children.
  • Scheduling issues. With one fewer workday, you’ll need to plan more carefully for anything time sensitive. If your clients or partners still work five days, this could also present coordination challenges.
  • Your competitors: If the competition is still grinding Monday through Friday, they might pull ahead with their extra availability. (Unless, that is, your more-appealing workweek attracts their top talent?)

Marzano Human Resources Consulting works with businesses in developing an employee engagement strategy.  A big part of this strategy is a hybrid work model.

Contact us for a no cost initial consultation.

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